Vol. 4 No. S-5 (2022): Volume 4, Issue S-5, Year 2022

Francis Whyte Ellis-The First Voice of Tamil Language Liberation

Sivakumar M
Department of Economics, Chikkaiah Naicker College, Erode-638004, Tamil Nadu, India

Published 2022-08-25


  • Ellis's Dravidian,
  • Tamil Language,
  • Liberation,
  • History

How to Cite

M, S. (2022). Francis Whyte Ellis-The First Voice of Tamil Language Liberation. International Research Journal of Tamil, 4(S-5), 256-259. https://doi.org/10.34256/irjt22s539

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When it comes to the history of the Tamil language, it can be classified as being before Ellis and after Ellis. Before Ellis's Dravidian evidence came, the idea that Tamil originated from Sanskrit was deeply embedded in everyone's mind. For a long time, linguists in India have also been saying that the Tamil language originated from Sanskrit and that the Tamil language could not function independently without the help of Sanskrit. It was Ellis who liberated Tamil, which was thus regarded as a descendant of Sanskrit, from the chain of slavery, which was bound by the chain of slavery of Sanskrit. Based on linguistic theories, Ellis was the first to scientifically examine the long-held misconception that Tamil could not function independently without help, and to declare to the world that it was completely false and that South Indian languages, including Tamil, were unique. Ellis's Dravidian testimony is the starting point of the uniqueness of the Tamil language and its excellence.


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  1. Dhanasekar, (2020) Endraiya Thirukkuralin Varalaru, balas journey vailaithalam, Chennai, India.
  2. Krishnamurthy, P. (2003) Dravida Mozhikal, Cambridge University Press, Chennai, India.
  3. Rajaguru, V. (2016) Thiruppullani Heritage Club, Valaithalam, Chennai, India.
  4. Venkadachalapathi, R.A. (2018) Caldwell: Or Ethirvenai, The Hindu Tamil, Chennai, India.