Vol. 4 No. S-29 (2022): Volume 4, Issue S-28, Year 2022

Personality in Alam and Katralai Novel

Bharani S
Department of Tamil, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore-641 043. Tamil Nadu, India

Published 2022-12-05


  • Alaam,
  • Katralai,
  • Tamilchelvi,
  • Personality

How to Cite

S, B. (2022). Personality in Alam and Katralai Novel. International Research Journal of Tamil, 4(S-29), 41-45. https://doi.org/10.34256/irjt224s-22298

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Alaam and Katralai are two novels written by S. Tamilchelvi.  A person's personality is formed by the influence of experiences, environment, education, society, culture, etc. which can be acquired from the birth till death. So personality itself is subject to change. Sundarampal and Manimegala are the heroines of the novels. After heroine’s husband leaves, they becomes the one who carries the burden of the family and brings up the girl children in a good manner. The purpose of this article is to examine the nature and behavioral characteristics of these heroine's in a detailed way.


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  1. Bharani, S. (2009) Ulaviyal Nokkil Thiruvasagam, Nam Tamilar Pathippagam, Chennai, India.
  2. Tamilselvi, S. (2014a) Alam, New century Book house, Chennai, India.
  3. Tamilselvi, S. (2014b) Katrazhai, New century Book house, Chennai, India.
  4. TVK, (1972) Kalaikalanchiyam Thoguthi 1, Tamil Valarchi Kalagam, Chennai, India.