Vol. 6 No. S-1 (2024): Volume 6, Issue S-1, Year 2024

Food Patterns of Tamils in Sangam Literature

Published 2024-07-30


  • Pattinapalai Sirupanaartuppa Kootharauppa Porunanaruppa Malapadukadam Sirupanchamoolam Maduraikanchi

How to Cite

Food Patterns of Tamils in Sangam Literature. (2024). International Research Journal of Tamil, 6(S-1), 231-236. Retrieved from https://irjt.iorpress.org/index.php/irjt/article/view/2226


The Sangha literature is used as evidence that two thousand years ago, the Tamils lived a formal and civilized lifestyle. In this way, we can see a good and healthy situation in the way of diet. The Kamizhars, who lived near the forests and mountains, had a diet of dry fruits and tubers. Crops such as millet, paddy, etc. were grown along the water bodies and used for food. They also enjoy drinks like milk curd and wine. In addition to this, Tamils have excelled in cooking and eating food with taste and taste, in which vegetables and meats such as goat, pig, deer, iguana, chicken, fish and shrimp have also been used.


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